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“School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is.”  Ivan Illich

What I intended to do when I created this site, was simply to add links that would help the Homeschool community.  Over the years I have met so many people who got bogged down with all the choices they had for homeschooling their children.  Which curriculum to to manage time...can they actually teach their children at home.  And what is this unschooling vs traditional homeschooling debate all about?

The best way to approach Homeschooling is by using the K.I.S.S. method.  KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPiD!    Now I have always loved that term and to some it is offensive.  But, if you just take a moment to breathe and really understand how each of your children learn, then teaching at home is a piece of cake.  All children DO NOT learn the same way.  Out of my 8 children, I have some that are visual learners and some that are auditory learners...some that love to read some that consider a book something akin to Kryptonite!  I can not teach them 
all using the same method.  Once you figure out how your children learn, then you can adapt a strategy which suits him or her the best.  My 4 youngest were unschooled.  This is a method of teaching where learning happens all throughout the day.  There are no set lesson plans or rules we follow, we just learn at every opportunity.  For us this method works well, but for others the more traditional curriculum works best.

Whatever your approach, just realize, the only person that really knows and understands your child is YOU!  Join a local homeschool support group and if you do not have one in your town, create one.  There are so many opportunities out there for homeschooled kids to participate in.   



GED VS Diploma

Despite all the evidence that shows homeschoolers score well above their public schooled counterparts, there are still some colleges that continue to discriminate against the homeschool community and require these bright and extremely capable students to obtain a GED before they will grant them entrance to their college.  I have a HUGE problem with this and so did the homeschoolers in my state of Idaho!  We actually passed a law making this practice illegal (see side bar to the right for the law).


Whether one wants to admit it or not, taking the GED has several stigma's attached to it and unfortunately they will attach to your child!  However, year after year I see parents crumble and force their children to take this test to PROVE to a college that their child has a "good enough diploma" to enter their institute of higher education!

Even in my state, there are still parents who do NOT know our law and still believe that their children MUST take the GED to enter college. Below is a fantastic article regarding this subject.  


"[Homeschooling]…recipe for genius: More of family and less of school, more of parents and less of peers, more creative freedom and less formal lessons.” Raymond S. Moore

In The


Homeschooling going mainstream

When most kids are asked about school, scenes from school buses, rows of desks and the lunchroom spring to their minds. But not for 11-year-old Stephanie Simmens and her 9-year-old sister Molly.

Aug. 20th, 2014

Opposition to Common Core

Opposition to common core spurs jump in Homeschooling.

Nov. 30, 2014


New Rule Ends College Admission Controversy


 Idaho State Board of Education (ISBE) adopted a new rule that should quell the recent controversy about whether homeschoolers need a GED for college admission. Effective immediately, all Idaho public colleges should cease asking homeschoolers for a GED because of the new rule, Idaho Administrative Code

May 1, 2012


Virginia School Board demands Children defend their religious Beliefs!

The Goochland County School Board has now voted down a new policy that would have forced homeschooled children justify their religious beliefs within 30 days of their 14th birthday.

The board's vote was in response to a flood of outrage by parents in the area. There is one more vote left to be taken on this issue

Jan 13, 2015

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